The story of the Vidal brothers and their company, which has been able to innovate in the craft of Burano lace, will be published in September 2021. The title "Simple Determination" is neither an oxymoron nor an advertising slogan, but it is the title of the book that recounts the thirty-year history of a company that is a real excellence in the ancient art of Burano lace. In order to better understand this title, one should also dwell on the words of the subtitle: "Because good people can do great things" and the people in question are Martina and Sergio Vidal. It was in July 1991 that the two Vidal brothers decided to embark on this entrepreneurial and human journey together.The book recounts the behind-the-scenes story of this experience, which is based on the simplicity of being and the determination to do something. Simplicity of being and the determination to get things done are the elements that characterise the two protagonists and which are naturally transferred to their company. A book made up of memories and emotions, with a story that starts from the past, but projected into the future, as is the entrepreneurial spirit of the Vidal brothers.

"We want to use this anniversary to trace the road we have travelled and the road we still have to travel" says Sergio Vidal on the book, and his sister Martina adds: "Fixing memories and moments on paper has been a job to rediscover and relive situations that allowed us to grow and be what we are today...different people but who have never given up their values".

Written by the business storyteller Andrea Bettini and published by FrancoAngeli, the book will be available in all physical and digital bookshops after the summer, while a preview event will be held on 30 July at the Garden of Atelier Martina Vidal in Burano. The Vidal brothers and the author have decided to donate the rights deriving from the sale of the book to the volume to the City of Hope Foundation, which deals with research, assistance and scientific dissemination in the field of paediatric oncohaematology.

Photos from the evening event ph@RobertoRosa

presentazione libro martina vidal 30 anni

lace museum martina vidal burano

burano lace collection vidal